
Who is Scenic City Chorus?


Scenic City Chorus is based in Chattanooga, TN, and our 60+ members of all ages come from eastern Tennessee, northeastern Alabama, and northwestern Georgia. In addition to members being from the local tri-state area, we have out of town memebers from North Carolina, Virigina, and Florida. A wide variety of backgrounds and lifestyles are represented among us, but together we share a common bond through music and performance.


Performance and Community Involvement

The Scenic City Chorus is a women’s a cappella group dedicated to continually striving for musical excellence and personal growth within a fun, caring chorus culture which regularly contributes to our community through performance, education, and service.. We also offer education in the barbershop craft and performance opportunities to young women between the ages of 14 and 25 through the Young Women in Harmony program. 

In addition to an annual show with featured guests and our Christmas show, we are available for hire in full chorus, small ensemble, and quartet configurations. If you’re looking for unique musical entertainment, check out our See & Hear menu where you will also find hiring information. 

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

At Scenic City Chorus we believe music brings people of all backgrounds and differences together. We strive to cultivate a culture that goes beyond welcoming and creates an environment of belonging. We recognize and have learned from the barbershop community’s exclusionary past toward women of color. Membership in our chorus is open to singers from all ethnic and racial backgrounds, singers with disabilities, singers of the LGBTQ+ community, and singers of varied religions and spirituality. Scenic City Chorus continues our journey to create an environment of belonging by actively listening and learning from all voices, perspectives, and cultures to foster understanding and respect for each other.

Not only does the Scenic City Chorus want our members to feel welcomed,  and that they belong, we want anyone who crosses our path, audience members, people in our community, and any entity that we partner with to feel welcomed and valued.

Scenic City Chorus is committed to singing music with  lyrics that are inclusive and not rooted in oppression. We embrace and work to embody Sweet Adelines International's guiding principle: We celebrate our differences as essential to the rich harmony that unites us. As we recognize barbershop’s African American origins and learn from our exclusionary past toward women of color, we reject discrimination and unwaveringly strive toward greater awareness, openness, and understanding of each other.

(see full list of Guiding Principles) 


Many of our members are musically trained or have music degrees. But the unique sound produced by barbershop harmony is dependent on several factors not always found in traditional music training. 

Scenic City Chorus is a part of Sweet Adelines International Inc. (SA), a nonprofit organization whose mission is to preserve the American craft of Barbershop. SA offers musical training aimed at honing the unique skills needed for this type of four-part, a cappella harmony. Vocal and music theory instruction is ongoing, as well as coaching from certified experts throughout the year.


Each spring, Scenic City Chorus competes in SA's Regional Chorus Competition. After working the craft for months to bring our best performance on stage, we compete against other choruses in our size-based division.

It's an important time to get constructive feedback from a panel of judges certified in the Barbershop craft. Regional division winners go on to compete internationally. Scenic City Chorus consistently medals regionally.  In March 2023 Scenic City Chorus placed 3rd in the AA division and 3rd overall. 

The Sweet Adelines organization has approximately 19,000+ members in choruses and quartets worldwide. 

Scenic City is a non-profit charitable organization as described under the Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(c)(3).  Your donation serves to strengthen our program and our mission to spread harmony throughout the Chattanooga area and to educate youth about the joys of our uniquely American art form.  We deeply appreciate your consideration of us as a recipient of your financial support. 

Scenic City Chorus Nondiscrimination Policy

No person on the basis of race, color, national origin, disability, age, religion, or sex shall be excluded from participation in, or be denied benefits of, or otherwise be subject to discrimination of services, programs, and employment provided by the Tennessee Arts Commission and its contracting agencies.

If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination or to request an accommodation, contact Kim Johnson, Director of Arts Access at 615-532-9797 or the Tennessee Relay Center at 1-800-848-0298 (TTY) or 1-800-848-0299 (Voice).


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Visit us anytime!


All our rehearsals are open to the public and to potential new members, so why not pay us a visit? 

We rehearse every Monday from 6:30 pm to 9:30 pm (EDT) at:
Action Church
1312 Spring Creek Rd
Chattanooga, TN 37412

Email to get more information.

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Copyright © 2025 Scenic City Chorus